Don Bosco Navajeevan Bala Bhavan - Visakhapatnam

Don Bosco Navajeevan Bala Bhavan - Visakhapatnam


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Fr. Provincial visits Don Bosco Navajeevan

Posted On : 04-04-2016

Fr. Thathireddy Vijay Bhaskar, the new Provincial of the Salesian Province of Hyderabad, accompanied by Frs. Thomas and Ratna Kumar visited the various activities of Don Bosco Navajeevan, Visakhapatnam on 30th March, 2016. Being his maiden visit after assuming office as the Provincial, he was accorded a warm welcome and felicitation.  Fr. Thomas welcoming Fr. Thathi (the way he is affectionately called) introduced him as the pioneer of Navajeevan works in Visakhapatnam, whose far-sightedness carried Navajeevan to its present stage of growth and achievements.

Addressing the Trainees of Don Bosco Tech and Vocational Training Centre of Visakhapatnam City, Fr. Provincial referred to Leonardo Decaprico, the hero of Titanic fame and stressed on the importance of making right decisions in life and adopting appropriate strategies to convert them into reality. He said that only three percent of people succeed completely in doing the great things they want to do and make their life to go the way, they visualize. The remaining 97 percent end up as the employees of the achievers. This equation can be changed if more people keep their dreams alive with sufficient motivation to fuel them. He thanked the Salesians and the Training Staff for enabling many deserving youngsters to learn a livelihood enhancement  skill and to earn their bread with self respect as contributing citizens of  Mother India.

Master Joseph a trainee of Hospitality domain, Ms. Sujatha and Padmaja, trainees of tailoring and dress making, shared their experiences of being at Don Bosco and the benefits they gained from it.. They described the training at Don Bosco as not only aimed at livelihood advancement but also as life enhancing.  The training aims at all round development of the individual without compartmentalization. Fr. Ratna Kumar in  the vote of thanks extended  profound gratitude to Fr. Provincial for finding time to visit Navajeevan and to encourage the activities it has initiated to empower the young in difficult situations.