Don Bosco Navajeevan Bala Bhavan - Visakhapatnam

Don Bosco Navajeevan Bala Bhavan - Visakhapatnam


News & Events

Bridge School For School Dropouts

Posted On : 19-01-2014

Many factors lead to children becoming school dropouts. Some of the main reasons are lack of parental follow up, poor school ambient, lack of personal attention, poor nutrition, etc. Navajeevan conducts a bridge-school for such children and places them back in good schools at the end of one year. Dur-ing this time they are given personal attention and counselling, good nutri-tion, and learning is imparted in attractive methods and child friendly ways.

Children who run away from other schools are regular and happy to come to Navajeevan Bridge School called "Beach Blossoms?. Each year Navajeevan mainstreams 50-60 such children. So far we have put back 480 children in regular schools and the success rate is 85%.